Our Services
Many individuals have encountered difficulties when communicating with Canada Revenue Agency, and when attempting to correct misfiled or incorrect information; this often results in the individual simply paying the assigned fees, rather than having the matter concluded in a fair and positive manner. No one can afford to pay more than their fair share!
Our Services include the following:
- Individual tax preparation and review of previously filed returns for missed credits and deductions, assessment review and appeals.
- Small business income tax returns.
- Tax planning for individuals for increased future tax refunds.
- Liaise with Canada Revenue Agency for compliance, application, recovery of the Goods & Services Tax and Canada Child Benefit.
- Cross border returns for U.S. Citizens that reside in Canada (1040/540 returns).
- Employment Insurance, Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan applications and appeals.
- Social Security and Individual Tax Payer Identification Number applications.
- Canada Pension Plan Disability applications for affected individuals.
- Troubleshooting of various other individual situations that arise involving Canada Revenue Agency and the social benefits system.
Application for Disability Tax Credit.
Requests for Individual Taxpayer Relief.
File and Adjust previous years’s returns for:-Rollover of capital, non-capital gains/losses.-Foreign Tax Credits.-Employment expenses.
Verification and explanation of Registered Retirement Savings Plan Deduction and Contribution Limits.

Northern Tax Solutions also provide services for Foreigners Abroad
- Resident, Non-resident determination.
- Claimable medical expenses and medical travel.
- Foreign rental income gain or loss.
- Taxation and withholding of Canada Pension Plan payments and Old Age Security payments when residing abroad.
- Tax planning for emigration.
- Foreign Tax Credits.
- Recovery of taxes withheld in the U.S. for gambling wins and capital gains on the sale of foreign property.
You can view or download fillable Income Tax Returns and Authorization to Represent a Client forms for more information.
Authorize a Representative
Authorization to E-file a Return
We now offer Full Service Virtual Accounting Services confidently from the comfort of your own home!
Contact office for personal interview.
Submit documentation via email, fax, picture text or upload.
Review completed tax return for client’s approval.
Complete & submit authorization by smart phone, upload, fax, email.
Canada Revenue Agency will deposit the refund into client’s bank account, previously on file.